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The B->Kpi puzzle revisited

Nicolas Boisvert-Beaudry
Université de Montréal

For some time now, there have been some disagreements with the standard model in the B->Kpi decays. In this talk, I will look at the consequences of the latest data on this "B->Kpi puzzle", and if a solution can be found in new physics models involving Z' and diquarks.

Mardi, 28 Novembre, 2017 - 11:00
Lieu de Séminaire: 
D-423, Pav. Roger-Gaudry, UdeM

Groupe de Physique des particules
​Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville,
Montréal, QC H3C 3J7
Tél : 514-343-5607
Fax : 514-343-7357